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Simone Schara | Women in the Outdoors

This year for International Women’s Day, we are celebrating the outdoors and those who make it a better place for all. We want to shine a spotlight on some amazing women in the outdoors – leaders, role models, mentors, mothers, sisters, and

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Kate Small | Women in the Outdoors

This year for International Women’s Day, we are celebrating the outdoors and those who make it a better place for all. We want to shine a spotlight on some amazing women in the outdoors – leaders, role models, mentors, mothers, sisters, and

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Kristin Dreyer | Women in the Outdoors

This year for International Women’s Day, we are celebrating the outdoors and those who make it a better place for all. We want to shine a spotlight on some amazing women in the outdoors – leaders, role models, mentors, mothers, sisters, and

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Julianna Crowder | Women in the Outdoors

This year for International Women’s Day, we are celebrating the outdoors and those who make it a better place for all. We want to shine a spotlight on some amazing women in the outdoors – leaders, role models, mentors, mothers, sisters, and

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Robyn Sandoval | Women in the Outdoors

This year for International Women’s Day, we are celebrating the outdoors and those who make it a better place for all. We want to shine a spotlight on some amazing women in the outdoors – leaders, role models, mentors, mothers, sisters, and

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Allison Hunter Voges | Women in the Outdoors

This year for International Women’s Day, we are celebrating the outdoors and those who make it a better place for all. We want to shine a spotlight on some amazing women in the outdoors – leaders, role models, mentors, mothers, sisters, and

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Christa Forrester | Women in the Outdoors

This year for International Women’s Day, we are celebrating the outdoors and those who make it a better place for all. We want to shine a spotlight on some amazing women in the outdoors – leaders, role models, mentors, mothers, sisters, and

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Tiffany Lakosky | Women in the Outdoors

This year for International Women’s Day, we are celebrating the outdoors and those who make it a better place for all. We want to shine a spotlight on some amazing women in the outdoors – leaders, role models, mentors, mothers, sisters, and

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Donna McDonald | Women in the Outdoors

This year for International Women’s Day, we are celebrating the outdoors and those who make it a better place for all. We want to shine a spotlight on some amazing women in the outdoors – leaders, role models, mentors, mothers, sisters, and

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Celebrating Women in the Outdoors: International Women's Day

On International Women’s Day, you’ll probably hear a lot of inspiring stories about how women are breaking barriers in boardrooms, owning businesses, forging change, advocating for reform, and empowering other women. It’s a global day

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Hunting New Beginnings - Adult Onset Hunter

To say that the morning was slow would be an injustice to the all too familiar day-long treestand sits with only a gray squirrel or two for company or marathon still hunts that yield nothing more than fresh air and pleasant views. It was a slow hunting

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Under Wing: Hunting for Conservation and Sustainability

A smile of recognition breaks across my face, hearing my friend Courtney’s bubbly voice on the other end of the line. Her quirky personality and fun sense of humor make our friendship feel easy, light and refreshing. Excitedly, she asks if

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Under Wing: Hunting Mentorship Guides the Way

It all began in 2019 when I walked up to a wall tent in the middle of nowhere Montana. I pulled back the door flaps and was greeted by 15 female faces, laughing, cooking, eating, and sitting around swapping stories. Some were old friends; some I had

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Under Wing: Love for the Outdoors

Hi everyone! I am Olivia Stanley! I am twenty-two, a daughter, sister, friend, and hunter. I am from La Grange, KY, which is about forty-five minutes from Louisville. I have lived in Kentucky my whole life and wouldn’t change a single day here

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Under Wing: A Great Hunting Adventure

I strolled into the Louisville Airport dragging a roller bag nearly as big as myself with a camo pack on my back and a gun case (complete with two TSA locks) in hand. “That’s quite the bag you’ve got there.” Commented a guy