Sous Vide Backstrap | Wild Table

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Aside from the actual pursuit of the animal itself, backstrap might be the next biggest motivation for hunting big game animals. A tender cut of meat that almost always promises to leave the eater happy and full. There are a lot of ways to cook backstrap but taking the extra step to use the sous vide can all but ensure a perfect cook every single time. This sous vide backstrap recipes is one of our favorites!

What is sous vide? It’s a low temperature, slow cooking method. Meat is sealed in a container, like a vacuum sealed bag, and cooked in a large pot of water. The temperature of the water is precisely controlled, resulting in longer cook times and extremely tender meat. 


  • 1 10-12” Chuck of Backstrap
  • Coarse salt and pepper (or your favorite seasoning)
  • 1-2 tablespoons olive oil


Seasoning a backstrap before it goes in the sous vide water bath


  1. Trim the meat to remove silver skin and other connective tissue to leave a clean cut of meat
  2. Season with Coarse Salt and Pepper or your favorite seasoning
  3. Put in Zip Lock bag or vacuum seal bag
  4. Cook in water bath for 3 hours at 129 degrees
  5. Heat cast iron pan, remove meat from water bath and sear on all sides to create a good crust
  6. Wrap in foil for 10-15 minutes, cut and serve
  7. Drizzle BBQ sauce over sliced meat for bonus points with your guests at the end

A sous vide backstrap is a favorite meal for brothers, Sam Soholt and Josh Soholt of Public Land Tees.

Are you a field to table foodie? Check out more of our wild game recipes and foraging tips on our Wild Table blog!