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Savage Arms Blog

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Everything You Should Know about Impulse

If you’ve seen us talking about our straight-pull rifle, Impulse, or seen one in the store and asked yourself “Why this? What is a straight pull? Why Impulse?” We’ve got you covered. We’ve got the complete run-down for you

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Perfect Venison Burger | Wild Table

Here it is – The perfect venison burger. The Savage team gave this recipe a good test run, and it did not disappoint. The original recipe is from Farming the Wild’s chef Mike Robinson and be found here. We changed it up a bit and used ground

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AccuTrigger Anniversary: Celebrating 20 Years

For the past twenty years Savage rifles have a clear advantage over every other production rifle: AccuTrigger. Now, on the twentieth anniversary of AccuTrigger’s launch, we’re looking back at what makes the design so unique. The Genius of

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Trappers, Can You Still Sell Your Fur?

Trappers and Predator hunters wonder what to do with the beautiful coats from coyotes, bobcats, and other critters. Even with the down fur market, there are still options to sell fur. Though the fur market isn’t what it once was, there are still buyers

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How to Reassemble a Savage 1911

The Savage 1911 is the newest addition to Savage’s line-up of handguns. While the aesthetic pays homage to the original, the Savage 1911 is built for hard use. Knowing the basic functions of your firearm, including field stripping and reassembly

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How to Field Strip a Savage 1911

The Savage 1911 is the newest addition to Savage’s line-up of handguns. While the aesthetic pays homage to the original, the Savage 1911 is built for hard use, and keeping your firearm clean is one of the easiest things to do to keep it

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11 Easy Venison Recipes for Busy Weeknights

Realtree’s Timber 2 Table chef shares cooking tips for fast and delicious wild game meals and 11 easy venison recipes the whole family will love.   A demanding work schedule and evenings spent shuttling kids to practices and activities can leave

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How to Disengage Hexlock on Impulse

When Impulse’s bolt handle is fully closed, a plunger is seated forward in the interior of the bolt body, forcing the six ball bearings outward to lock into a machined recess in the barrel extension. The ball bearings tighten relative to pressure

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Waterfowl Slam on Sandhill Crane | Savage Journeys

The UWC North American Waterfowl Grand Slam has sent me to Texas hunting the Gulf of Mexico, to the Pacific Northwest hunting Cacklers in Oregon, to the Bearing Sea hunting King Eiders on St. Paul Island and numerous destinations in-between. Every trip

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A22 Takedown Compartments for Storage

The Savage A22 Takedown is the ultimate go-anywhere, outdoor adventure, truck, ranch or backpacking semi-auto rimfire rifle. It breaks down easily to transport in a pack, has an adjustable cheek piece for a better fitting rifle, and two storage

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How to Adjust the A22 Takedown Cheek Piece

When a rifle fits you, you’ll shoot better and more accurately. One major aspect of rifle fitment is the comb height. The comb is where your cheek rests on the stock, and it’s important for properly lining up your eye with your scope or

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Easy Elk Quesadillas | Wild Table

Quesadillas are a great way to stretch a pound of meat a little farther. This recipe only uses ½ lb of ground elk (or ground meat of your choosing) so you can use the other half for another recipe! Quesadillas are often dry and lacking in the flavor

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How to Install a Renegauge Choke Tube

Choke tubes. Knowing how to change a choke tube to suit your shooting needs is an essential skill for any shotgunner. This guide will walk you through the steps on how to install a Renegauge choke tube.  WARNING! Always keep the muzzle pointed in a

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How to Disassemble the A22 Takedown

The Savage A22 Takedown is a truly go-anywhere semi-auto rimfire rifle. Camping, hiking, boating, hitting the range or any outdoor activity, this rifle breaks down quickly to stow away in your pack for easy transport and storage. The best part is that

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Veterans' Duck Hunt Saved My Life | Savage Journeys

I have never really told my story publicly on a platform quite as large as this.  It is a story of loss, hurt, mental health, charity, overcoming and giving back.  My path into hunting has come full circle now and I am in the stage where 90%